About Indie Week

Indie Week Showcases acts from around the world in front of industry professionals. Indie Week is the premiere emerging artist festival in Canada with five days and nights of music, showcases, the Indie 101 conference, Official VIP Launch Party, Indie Week Awards show – over 10,000 music fans will be entertained and educated.
Taking place in downtown Toronto, the center of the Canadian music industry and one of North America’s biggest music markets, artists not only get the chance to showcase in front of industry professionals but they are also invited to participate in the Indie 101 conference featuring panels, mentorships, B2B meetings, demo listening sessions, Tech Day, Health & Wellness, industry mixers with over 350+ Delegates. It’s your chance to learn from and ask questions to the best in the business!

Eddie Kramer (Producer – Jimi Hendrix/Led Zeppelin), Phil X (Bon Jovi), John Densmore (The Doors), Mike Clink (Producer – Guns’n’Roses/Metallica), Marti