Hush Hush Noise

Hush Hush Noise
Victoria, Canada
Hush Hush Noise is an experimental, indie rock, pop band from Victoria BC, who combine organic sounds with electronics to create lyrically driven, memorable songs. This duo, comprised of two experienced musicians from other noteworthy bands, have blossomed into Hush Hush Noise becoming a uniquely ground breaking collaboration that is not to be missed.
Lily Fawn – (of the band Hank and Lily) Lily has an unconventional songwriting style that’s like storytelling set to music. She sings both through her voice and her musical saw, a most serene and enchanting sound. She also emboldens Hush Hush Noise’s rhythmic assault with drums of all variety.
Pop montreal says, “Lily fills the stage with charm to burn”.
Eric Hogg – Eric has been recording, playing guitar and writing songs since age 10. His experience making noise and electronic music has left an indelible impact on his approach to indie rock, pop music.
“I love how you managed to cram a full album of diverse styles and influences but still keep the sound cohesive due to the unique voices, impeccable songwriting, and production style. This was a fun and exciting listen- very rare. I’m hearing everything from The Unicorns to Skinny Puppy to more pop stuff like Metric and Mother Mother… I can see this appealing to basically everyone. It’s like full on experimental but also pop-rock radio hits at the same time… and without clashing like others who’ve attempted that mashup.”
Aidan Logins