Indie Week Playlist 117

Every year Indie Week presents music from a multitude of genres and country has always played a big part in the festival. This year was no different. David Boyd Janes kicks things off with “Love Doin What It Does” followed by The Redhill Valleys and “Living In Yesterday”. “Light Up The Honekytonk’ comes to us from Johnson’s Creek followed by “Old Fashioned” by Cole Bradley. “Pretty Little Things” is by Suzi Kory and “Don’t Cry Over Me” is from Matt Morson. We close our country playlist with “River Song” by Chip Greene.
David Boyd Janes – Love Doin What It Does
The Redhill Valleys – Living In Yesterday
Johnson’s Creek – Light Up The Honkeytonk
Cole Bradley – Old Fashioned
Suzi Kory – Pretty Little Things
Matt Morson – Don’t Cry Over Me
Chip Greene – River Song