Indie Week Playlist 120

Our neighbours to the south always provide a lot of great artists during Indie Week and here are some of the Americans who performed in November starting off with Grown Up Avenger Stuff with “Where Is Love” followed by Ships Have Sailed and “Skin”. “Vice Grips” is by Bonsai Trees and Black Note Graffiti give us “Monkey”. “Take Me Back” comes to us from Montythehokage while Zach Matari is ready to “Risk It All”. We finish this week with Sammyd and “I’m Sorry”.
Grown Up Avenger Stuff – Where Is Love
Ships Have Sailed – Skin
Bonsai Trees – Vice Grips
Black Note Grafitti – Monkey
Montythehokage – Take Me Back
Zach Matari – Risk It All
Sammyd – I’m Sorry
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