Indie Week Playlist 94

Here’s your chance to learn more about the artists who will be performing at Indie Week this year. Jeremy Voltz kicks things off with “One Day At A Time” followed by Christien Paul and his song “Cuba”. “Balloons” comes to us from Valborg Olafs and “Love Me In The Dark” is by Christee Palace. “I Can Say” is by Olivia Millerschin and Eunice Keitan sings “On A Low”. We conclude this week’s list with Palm Baker and his track “Jekyll & Hyde”.
Jeremy Voltz – One Day At a Time
Christien Paul – Cuba
Valborg Olafs – Balloons
Christee Palace – Love Me In The Dark
Olivia Millerschin – I Can Say
Eunice Keitan – On A Low
Palm Baker – Jekyll & Hyde
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